Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2024

Hello and welcome to today’s post! Sorry for my absence last week…there was something that I had planned to post, but didn’t get around to writing it due to school and last Monday having been a busy day. I figured that I would just get back on track today with this year’s very first monthly wrap-up.

Books I Read

When I stated that I was not going to worry about how many books I read each month, I really meant it, haha. 😅 I am going to try and read more than just one book in February.

Beautiful Eucharist by various authors – I picked this book up at my church on a whim and read it while the adults were doing a parish council meeting. I forgot to bring my own book (a tragic occurrence) so I read this one, and I think that it is a very beautiful book. Each chapter is written by a different author, weaving a lovely tapestry of stories that illustrate how much of a beautiful gift the Eucharist is. It definitely made me think of the Eucharist in a slightly different way, and it really increased my love for the Eucharist. It is a very moving book that every Catholic (or non-Catholic who is interested in the Catholic faith) would enjoy!

Writing Updates

I got quite a bit of writing done in January, especially in my fantasy novel and especially at the beginning of the month. I also wrote a short story, and I think that I may try to write one short story a month. It is good writing practice and sometimes helps me to get out of writing slumps. I don’t know what my focus concerning writing will be in February, but I will hopefully have a post coming out next week with my rants on how difficult it is to be a writer who easily abandons projects for new ones.

Blog Posts on Books and Hooks

Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2023 (+ Reviewing and Setting Goals for the New Year)

My Faith-Related Reads of 2023 + Books I Want to Read in 2024 (reblog)

My Recent Photography

The Get to Know Ya Book Tag

Reviewing my January Goals

Get new glasses – No, I didn’t do this yet. I think that I am going to my eye appointment this month or next, so hopefully soon!

Write something every day – I was pretty good about this one! Whether or was a blog post, writing in my journal, or working on one of my books, I am pretty sure that I did write something every day.

Exercise every day – I did most days. Of course, there were some days that I didn’t, but I got back into running in January. My family has gotten a treadmill, so I definitely prefer running on there when the weather reaches cold temperatures

Try out a new sourdough recipe – I was planning on making English Muffins one day, but things just got busy. I am hoping to make some things in February, though!

Begin memorizing the Our Father prayer in Latin – I have started memorizing it, but I don’t have it all down. This is definitely something that will carry on into February.

Goals for February

  • Survive school 🥲
  • Read at least two books
  • Exercise regularly
  • Try out a new sourdough recipe
  • Write a short story

Photos from January (photos of food mostly, lol)

What happened in January?

January was a very chill month, and I was so thankful for that. The last few months of 2023 were extremely busy with social events, the holidays, and visiting relatives, so this short period of respite was very welcome. I did start school for the spring semester this month, which was not so fun. If you don’t know, I am doing dual enrollment, and I am finding it very challenging this semester. I try to motivate myself by telling myself that I am nearly one-third of the way through the semester…but I am still counting down the days until I graduate! In January, I also tried out some new scoring techniques with the new sourdough tools I got for Christmas, as seen in the photos above! I have also been enjoying the nicer weather, and am striving to spend as much time as I can outside each day.

That’s all for today’s post! Thank you so much for reading it…I almost didn’t get around to publishing it today, but I did. I really need to stop waiting until the day that I am to publish my post to write it. 😅Anyways, I hope that you all have a lovely week, and I will be back next week with a fun new post.

What was your January like? Do you have anything exciting planned for February? I’d love to chat in the comments!

~ Rebekah

5 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2024

  1. My January was pretty slow, but for some reason, I still can’t believe it’s over already. You’re saying we lived through the first month of 2024? Utterly preposterous.

    Ooh, those treats you baked look positively scrumptious. And you wrote every day? I’m in disbelief. That’s so cool! Lol, the “survive school” goal is so real. You and me both, Rebekah. 😂 Here’s to February! (Thanks for the reminder I haven’t drafted my January monthly wrap-up yet. Whoops. )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can very much relate to your first paragraph! How are we already almost halfway through February now? It’s very crazy.
      Thank you! Honestly, some days it was a very difficult task to get writing done, and some days I only wrote a few hundred words. But, hey, every little bit helps in the long run! I hope that your school is going well…mine is starting to get a little bit more chill this week, but I am very ready for the summer. Hope you have an amazing February! ☺

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: A Recap of My Previous Few Months – Books and Hooks

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