Summer Aesthetic

Hello everybody! I hope you are having a wonderful day so far! Today, I’m posting a summer aesthetic! If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you most likely know that I love to make aesthetics, especially one for each season! So, here is one for summer! Hope you enjoy it! 😃

That’s all for today! I got all the pictures from Pixabay! If you want to check out any of my other aesthetics, click here! Thanks for reading! I hope you’re having a good Monday and Fourth of July! See y’all on Thursday!! 😀

~ Rebekah

A Spring Aesthetic

Hello everybody! Happy spring! Last Sunday was the first day of spring, so I thought that a spring aesthetic would be a great post for today! If you want to check out any of the other aesthetics I’ve made, just click here!

Like with most of my aesthetic posts, most of these pictures were found on Pixabay!

Hope you liked this post! I can’t believe that spring’s already here! Is it warm where you live yet? Thanks for reading, have an awesome day, and I’ll see you on Saturday! 😀

~ Rebekah

Christmas/Winter Aesthetic ❄

Another aesthetic!! Hi, welcome or welcome back to my blog, Books and Hooks! I’ve made a few aesthetics in the past, (you can see them here if you want!) I love making these; they are so fun to make and find pictures for!!

I hope to make one for a new book I’m writing with my sister soon, too! But for today, I’ll be making one for winter and Christmas, since the first day of winter was yesterday!! Like with my other aesthetics, I found all the pictures on Pixabay! Okay, here it is!

I hope you liked it! I’ll see you guys on Saturday (Christmas!)!! Hope you have an amazing day! Bye! ❤

Autumn Aesthetic

I can’t believe it’s getting so chilly out! Fall’s almost gone, and I’m starting to see a lot of Christmas things! I’m sad that fall’s leaving, but I also can’t wait until the winter! Anyways, I made an autumn aesthetic! I absolutely love making aesthetics, and I’m thinking of making a winter one when it’s winter, too!

All the pictures were found on Pixabay! I hope you liked it and have an awesome day!

Edit: I’ll be doing a sort of “About me” post when I reach 30 followers! Just one more to go!!!!!

The Aesthetic for my Book

Hello, today’s post is an aesthetic for my book (which you probably saw from the title!) I’ve been wanting to make an aesthetic for it for a while, but I hadn’t gotten around to it until now! It goes kind of from the start of the book to the end if that makes sense.

If you don’t really know anything about my book, I’ll tell you a bit about it. It’s a dystopian novel following two main characters, Julie, and Elizabeth. It’s set in America after war and disease has destroyed the country. (I know this sounds like every YA dystopian novel, lol). I can’t really say any more, though. Hope you like it!

Pictures from Pixabay! Have a great day and the rest of your weekend!

Aesthetic for my main character. Elizabeth.

Hey everyone! I’m so sorry for the delay in posting this. I said that I would post it on the weekend, and now it’s almost a week later. So sorry. I have been sick, and mainly sleeping for a while. But I am feeling better and I have been finding some pictures earlier. I used Pixabay for these too.

This is for the other main character in my book, Elizabeth (or Lizzy) who is a 15 year old teenager. Hope you like it.

So, I hope you like it. I am currently on chapter four on my book. I haven’t gotten much writing done lately, and I’m going to set a daily goal. Maybe 1,000 words a day? (At least.) I don’t know. I have a lot of school and stuff. Have a great day! ❤️

Aesthetic for my main character: Flora

Hey everyone! Hope you’re doing well. Today is going to be a fun post. I am making an aesthetic for one of the main characters in my book I’m writing. Her name is Flora. If you don’t know, I am writing a YA post-apocalyptic novel set in America after war and disease has destroyed the country.

That is all I will give away about the story so far. If you don’t know what an aesthetic is, it is basically different pictures that describe something. So, these are some pictures that I think describe my character’s style and story. 🙂

Hope you like it! I will be making more aesthetics for different characters, scenes, and maybe one for my whole book. I got these pictures off of of Pixabay which has free photos that you can use! It had a lot of great photos.

I hope you have a great day. I will be posting the aesthetic for my other main character, Elizabeth, on the weekend. Bye! Thanks for reading!  🙂