The Once Upon a Time Book Tag

Hello everybody! Welcome to a brand new post, starting this brand new week! How is your Monday going?

Today, I am participating in the Once Upon a Time Book Tag. Thanks to Diamond for tagging me! This looks like lots of fun, so let us dive right in to the post!


  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Use the featured graphic (optional)
  • Answer the following 12 questions about books you have read
  • Tag as many bloggers as you like!

Cinderella—a book that changed your life

For this one, I’ll go with the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, just because it was one of those book series that got me into reading. If I hadn’t read this, I don’t know if I would even be a reader, or at least, I would not read to the extent that I do now. The Hunger Games remains one of my favorite series to this day!

Sleeping Beauty—a book that took you forever to finish

The Lord of the Rings series is amazing, but each of the books did take me quite a while to read, just because of the older way it is written. I got through the three books in about a year, but that counts taking long breaks between each one. Classics always take me a little while to get through, but I do really enjoy reading them!

A Thousand and One Nights—a book you couldn’t stop reading

I consume basically any Kasie West book with speed, especially Love, Life, and the List. Love, Life, and the List is definitely one of my favorite Kasie West books, but, honestly, they are all super sweet, fun, and quick reads.

Little Red Riding Hood—a book you recently read in an unfamiliar genre

In this category, I’ll put The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson. I wouldn’t normally read sci-fi, but this was actually quite good. I thought it was very interesting, though I’m not sure I’ll finish the series.

The Wild Swans—a book with your favorite sibling relationships

I had to go with Little Women by Louisa May Alcott for this one! I love the March sisters so much, and that’s most definitely one of my favorite things about the book.

Snow White—a book filled with beautiful prose

I actually don’t know what prose are. I tried Googling it, but I just can’t find a good answer. If anyone has this knowledge, please let me know in a comment.

Rapunzel – a book you procrastinated on reading after buying

The Midnight Dancers by Regina Doman. Technically, I didn’t buy this book, I was gifted it. But I did procrastinate on reading it after I got it, just because it didn’t follow the original cast of characters as in the previous three books in the series, and I wasn’t sure I’d like that. I did really enjoy it, though!

The Little Mermaid – a book that took you on a magical journey

I wanted to choose LOTR for this one, but I already chose it for a previous prompt soo…I’ll go with The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien! 😄

The Frog Prince – a book you’d like to turn into a frog because you hated it so much

This one wasn’t hard: We’ll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han. The whole series wasn’t great, but this last book was just…😖 Don’t even bother reading it.

Peter Pan – a book that reminds you of your childhood

The Little House on the Prairie books definitely remind me of my childhood. I grew up reading these for school and fun, and I really enjoyed them! They are very nostalgic for me.

The Goose Girl – a book that you had low expectations for, but ended up loving

Surprisingly, Lovely War by Julie Berry was just one of these books! I thought that it sounded a bit strange, and I’d never really heard of it. I didn’t think that it would surmount to anything amazing. I was wrong. It is one of my favorite books, and I would definitely recommend picking it up if you haven’t read it!

Hansel and Gretel – a book that made you hungry

Definitely Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch! Gelato sounds delicious, and I want to try it someday.

I tag:

I will leave this an open nomination, so any readers who want to do this tag, feel free to do it on your blog! I would love to hear about your favorite books and your answers to the prompts!

The prompts:

Cinderella—a book that changed your life

Sleeping Beauty—a book that took you forever to finish

A Thousand and One Nights—a book you couldn’t stop reading

Little Red Riding Hood—a book you recently read in an unfamiliar genre

The Wild Swans—a book with your favorite sibling relationships

Snow White—a book filled with beautiful prose

Rapunzel – a book you procrastinated on reading after buying

The Little Mermaid – a book that took you on a magical journey

The Frog Prince – a book you’d like to turn into a frog because you hated it so much

Peter Pan – a book that reminds you of your childhood

The Goose Girl – a book that you had low expectations for, but ended up loving

Hansel and Gretel – a book that made you hungry

That’s it for today’s post! Have you read any of these books? How would you have answered the prompts? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

I will be back next Monday with a new post! I hope that you all have a lovely week!

11 thoughts on “The Once Upon a Time Book Tag

  1. Yay! Thank you for doing the tag, I loved seeing your answers!
    I still haven’t finished the last LOTR book…
    I have that Kasie West book…I should read it soon.
    Little Women is such a great book!
    (I’m pretty sure prose is just like…the writing in a book. I’m like 90% sure. But like…a book with pretty writing. Here’s the dictionary definition: “written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure.” So…essentially it’s just writing?)
    And yesss, Lovely War is so great!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for tagging me! I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
      They are a little hard to get through, but worth it in my opinion.
      You should read it soon! It is really good! Have you read any Kasie West books before?
      It is. Little Women is one of my favorite classics!
      Oh, that makes sense! Thank you so much for the answer!
      Lovely War is amazing. I feel like I have almost no criticism for it!
      Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. this sounds like such a fun tag, is it ok if i give it a go?
    also, i’ve been meaning to read the hunger games – is it good?? i’ve seen mixed reviews lol
    you deserve a literal trophy for getting through lord of the rings – i read like the first sentence and could not 😆😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! I’d love to see your answers on your blog!
      I would totally recommend reading The Hunger Games! I really like it, although, like all books, there are some people who don’t like them. I would love to hear your thoughts if you end up reading it!
      Lol, sometimes I feel like I do deserve a trophy for reading LOTR. It’s quite challenging to read, but worth it, in my opinion!


  3. Pingback: The Once Upon A Time Book Tag – Anna's Idea Blog

  4. Pingback: The Once Upon A Time Book Tag – poppyseeds

  5. Pingback: Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2023 – Books and Hooks

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