My Faith-Related Reads of 2023 + Books I Want to Read in 2024 (reblog)

Hello everybody! How was your weekend? Today, I’m just going to reblog something that I posted on my other blog, Rambles with the Saints. That blog is where I do more posts relating to my faith and being Catholic. Yesterday, I posted a post on that blog about the nonfiction/faith-related books that I read in 2023. I also listed a few more faith-related books that I wish to read this year. Go check it out and let me know what you think! Have a great week!

~ Rebekah

My Other Blog

Hello everybody, and happy Monday! How was your weekend?

Soo…I’m sort of a procrastinator, and that’s something I’ve been realizing lately. Not about everything, but certainly sometimes about blogging. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I don’t get to writing a post until the day I’m supposed to be posting it. And, that’s where we are today. 😄

I actually did plan out a post and began to write it, but I won’t be able to post it today. The post I planned on sharing today was a post to celebrate 200 followers, assuming I’d hit that milestone by then. However, my follower count is just one shy of that, at 199 followers. So, today I’m writing this post about one of the other blogs I write on.

I’ve shared a bit about my other blog, Rambles With the Saints, on this blog, but I realized I never actually made a whole post about it, so that’s what I’m talking about today! Last year, I started another blog, called Rambles With the Saints, in the spring. I haven’t posted on it a lot, but I’m trying to write on it more this year.

On that new blog, I post about different Catholic saints and just my thoughts and opinions as a Catholic teen in today’s world. I started that blog just before I made my confirmation. One thing that Christians are called to do is share the faith, and while preparing for confirmation, I felt as if I should be sharing more about my faith. Blogging is something I enjoy, and am relatively good at, so I saw that as a good place to start, an opportunity to reach people.

Please go check it out, whether you’re Catholic or not. Maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t previously know about Catholicism, or maybe find out about a new saint that you really like. I hope that my blog is something that will help people, and lead them closer to the faith.

Hopefully, you guys go check that blog out. I’d really appreciate it. ❤ Again, here is the link to it. Please comment with your thoughts or anything you’d like to ask about my blog, or even about Catholicism in general. I hope that I can be helpful.

I hope you guys have a lovely week. My next post on here will be on Monday, and I’ll see you then!

~ Rebekah