A Recap of My Previous Few Months

Somehow, another three months have passed by in a blur, and I find that I have all but abandoned this blog. Sorry about that…school got to be a very big priority in my life, and I found that I did not have the time or mental capacity to write and publish blog posts alongside that. With school over and more free time, I hope to begin to regularly publish blog posts on here again. This post will just be a review of the previous few months (February, March, and April), recapping what was going on in my life at the time as well as sharing my reading and writing progress.


Books I Read

Anne of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery – What can I say except for the fact that this book was very good. Being one of the books in the Anne series, I knew that I would like it, and I found that to be true, though it was not my favorite in the series. I find that I enjoy some of the earlier books better, yet it is still interesting to read about the adventures of Anne’s children.

Sister of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross – I had not heard anything about this book prior to picking it up at the library on a whim. It surprised me very much. It is a very good book, and I appreciate the fact that it is a stand-alone novel, as I do not always have the energy to commit to reading a whole series. The book is very unique, and I appreciate the sisterly aspects that it contains. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone on the lookout for an interesting and clean fantasy read.

Writing Updates

I did not get very much writing done in February, sadly. I feel like this month was at the height of my school, so I did not get very much done besides school assignments in that month.

Blog Posts on Books and Hooks

Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2024

A Writer’s Ramblings: Finishing Books Before Starting New Ones

Reviewing my February Goals

Survive school 🥲 – I did. Maybe just barely, though.

Read at least two books – Yes, just that.

Exercise regularly – Yeah, I was pretty good with this one. I did a lot of walking and such in the month of February.

Try out a new sourdough recipe – I haven’t gotten a lot of baking done lately, so, no I didn’t really try out a new sourdough recipe. I did make a loaf with olives in it, though, so I would consider this goal to be somewhat completed.

Write a short story – I did not get around to this in February.

What happened in February?

February was full of much school. Besides that, I went on many walks, went to a Christian concert with my sister and our church’s youth group, and participated in my church’s fish fry.


Books I Read

Maybe This Time by Kasie West – It should be no surprise to anybody who has read a few of my posts that I really enjoyed reading this book, as it was written by one of my favorite authors. I feel like it was the perfect spring read, full of flowers and that fluffy feeling that accompanies many of her books.

You: The Story by Ruta Sepetys – This one was a really good nonfiction! It had lots of practical writing advice that I will try to note while writing, as Ruta Sepetys is one of my favorite authors, and writing tips from her could not be a bad thing.

Writing Updates

I had a big spurt of writing in March, which was great. I love it when this happens, and I get to writing a whole lot of one of my books. This time, I wrote in my fantasy book and got pretty far.

I posted exactly 0 blog posts during March, and I also didn’t make any goals for March, so let us skip to the goals that I have for April.

Goals for April

  • Make sourdough cinnamon rolls
  • Walk every day
  • Read one of the TBR nonfiction books
  • Celebrate after finishing school!

What happened in March?

My school continued through March, yet many other things also happened, such as my working on my book and celebrating several family birthdays.


Books I Read

Entwined by Heather Dixon – This one was good. I did get through it fairly slowly. The storyline is fairly interesting, yet some scenes were slow. I did like the ending, and found it to be a very good retelling of a classic tale.

Writing Updates

I do not remember writing very much during this month. I was sort of stuck in one place in my book and was trying to figure out how to get through it. Let’s just say that my characters do not want to cooperate with my book’s outline, and it is interfering with the plot. I plan to go more into detail in a future post, however, please leave advice if you are a writer and also struggle with this.

Reviewing April’s Goals

Make sourdough cinnamon rolls – I did not. I still really want to make some soon, though.

Walk every day – I did, besides two days in which my family was traveling and I was in the car for the majority of the day. Even so, I think that I can claim to have completed this goal.

Read one of the TBR nonfiction books – I did not finish one, yet I did start one of them.

Celebrate after finishing school! – I did! I am so happy to be done with it for the year.

What Happened in April?

I finished school, which was one of the main highlights of the month. My family also went on a weekend trip to the mountains with another family from our church, and it proved to be a very fun adventure. At the end of the month, I also got a golden retriever puppy, as seen in the above photos. April was a very eventful month, it seems.

That is all I have to share with y’all today. Please let me know what you’ve been up to lately in the comments, as I have also been bad about keeping up with all of y’all’s posts. I will hopefully be back next week, so goodbye until then!

~ Rebekah

2 thoughts on “A Recap of My Previous Few Months

  1. Ugh, I get the feeling of school consuming your time…but hopefully the summer will treat you better! Good job at keeping up with reading and completing a lot of your goals though! Sisters of Song and Sword sounds really good…I’ll have to check it out! I’m always interested in fantasy standalones. Great job on finishing school, Rebekah! I look forward to seeing some more posts from you soon.

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