The Get To Know Ya Book Tag

Hello and welcome (or welcome back πŸ‘‹) to my blog and a brand new post!! I have not done a book tag in a long while, so I thought that that would be a good idea for today because I didn’t really have any other post ideas. I got this tag from Pearl’s blog!

Your Favorite Book of All Time

Oof, starting off strong with the most difficult of questions to answer. I have been asked this question several times in person…I usually give my inquisitor a look that translates to “You cannot expect me to be able to choose just one book” and then I change the subject. How is it possible to be able to choose just one book, of all of the books I’ve read, to be my favorite book of all time? I would deem it impossible. But, if I have to choose one book (that is not contained in a series) I might have to say Lovely War by Julie Berry. It was one of the first books that popped into my head when I read this prompt, and it’s so sweet, yet informative, and well-written…just go read it, please.

Your Favorite Book Five Years Ago

I hate to say it, but I wasn’t very into reading five years ago. I read for school and enjoyed a few fiction books of my own choosing, but my life was nearly without reading. That being said, I did have a favorite book (series, actually) and that was the Betsy and Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. They always had me laughing, and I love the memories I made while reading them. I am sort of tempted to read them again, too, despite them being children’s books.

Your Favorite Duology/Trilogy/Series

Not this again! Okayyy, I think that I have to say the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins because it’s such a nostalgic series for me and actually includes some pretty thought-provoking themes (and there’s Peeta, obviously).

The Last Book You Read

I last read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. It’s such a funny book and an essential Christmas read. It is my favorite Christmas book, and reading it with all of my siblings is honestly one of my favorite Christmas traditions. (Also, if y’all want to know what I’m currently reading, or see the books that I have read this year, check out this page, where I list all of my reads!!)

The Last Book of Poetry You Read

I don’t really read poetry books through. I really do enjoy reading poetry, though. I am actually studying it in one of my English courses this year, which is really giving me a heightened love and appreciation for poetic works.

A Book That Most Influenced Your Life

There have been many, but I am really blanking on what they are right now. πŸ˜…

A Book That Made You Cry

* Pulls out the ever-growing, extensive list* Ummm, there are so many, and how do I choose just one when I cry easily to made-up scenarios? (Maybe this tag wasn’t the best idea, haha.) I might have to go with one of my historical fiction reads, such as Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys (or any of Ruta Sepetys’s books, to be honest. I have found her books to be quite sad, yet powerful as well) or Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee.

A Book That Made You Laugh

My sisters and I re-read Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery last year, and we had such fun. Reading the imaginative ideas of Anne, and her colorful descriptions of everything together had us giggling.

A Book You DNF’D

Snow in Love by Melissa de la Cruz, Nic Stone, Aimee Friedman, and Kasie West. I just didn’t read the last story, but the other three were really cute, and I would really recommend them!

A Book You Are Excited to Read

I am one of those people who doesn’t really have a long TBR list. I usually have a slight idea of a few books I want to read in the future, and then listen (sometimes) to my sister’s recommendations while choosing my next book. While there aren’t any fictional reads that I am looking forward to at the moment, I do want to read Ruta Sepetys’s nonfiction novel for writers, You: The Story.

That’s all for today’s post! I had such fun with it (despite my indecisiveness on how to answer some of the prompts), and I would love to know how you all would answer each prompt in the comments. See you next Monday, and have an amazing week! Bye!

Have you read any of the books that I mentioned? How would you answer each prompt? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

~ Rebekah

5 thoughts on “The Get To Know Ya Book Tag

  1. Pingback: Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2024 – Books and Hooks

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