On Christmas Morn: A Poem

Merry Christmas! How are you all doing? Today, I’m sharing a poem that I wrote a little while ago.

Joyful anticipation fills my night 
I wake from sleep with glee.
My sister's excited shout alerts me
I run out to the wonderful sight.

The tree, previously bare,
Now presides over a plentiful mound.
Candy canes on the branches are found.
Mints piled on the table with care.

In the manger, Baby Jesus lays,
Now on Christmas morn.
A deeper joy in my heart is born
And with gratitude I pray.

My siblings whisper for Mom and Dad,
And gather around the woodstove with bliss.
We sit and smile and reminisce
Of the beautiful Christmases we've had

I hope that you all like it! I am for sure no poet, but I really enjoyed writing this poem about how my Christmas mornings go. My siblings and I always wake up very early, as this poem portrays. These are such sweet memories that I will cherish as long as I live, especially when I am older and my siblings and I no longer live together.

How is your Christmas going so far? What are some of your Christmas traditions?

~ Rebekah

5 thoughts on “On Christmas Morn: A Poem

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